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Running Technique

Nov 30, 2010

For the longest time I was always concerned about wrecking my joints since I like to train in shoes that I was convinced did not have enough support or cushioning.    Ever time I tried a high end cushioned shoe and lots of support I never felt smooth runni…

First Post

Nov 22, 2010

I thought I would start my first blog by talking about my race goals for 2011.  The goal this year is to focus on triathalon.   So far I am registerd for Great White North Half Ironman, and Ironman Canada.   I would like to do an early race as well, possib…

On Your First Visit Initially when you come in to the clinic, we will have some forms for you to fill out at the front desk. We ask that you arrive a few minutes early for your appointment to provide time to complete this. Your Physiotherapy Assessment w…

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Book in for an appointment with one of our qualified Active Physio Works Physiotherapists &
Registered Massage Therapists.


We understand each person is different so we offer a variety of techniques that are best suited to your individual needs.