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I need to sit in a dark, quiet room This has been proven to be detrimental to recovery and can prolong symptoms! Our brains require stimulation to adapt through repeated exposure. If we don’t expose our senses, we can develop sensitives. (1, 2) I c…

Our rib cage is an integral part of our breathing patterns, everyday movements, and protection of our organs. They can become overworked and irritated like any other joint or muscle in our body.Some common signs and symptoms of rib pain include: ⁃ Pain wi…

As of March 1, 2022, Alberta Health Services is making Province wide changes in regards to funding for Physiotherapy Services. This affects all Albertans who access funded sessions for Physiotherapy. With the new model, the same access and funding rules wi…

An Important Update

Feb 11, 2022
Posted by: News

As you may know, the Government of Alberta has updated the Province with upcoming changes to the Provincial Health Measures.As an essential healthcare business, the health and safety of our patients, clients and team members has and continues to be our t…

The science behind Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy: A piston-like applicator creates ultrasonic shock waves that penetrate the affected tissue. The shock waves are focused to a zone of highest energy in front of the applicator, applied to the fo…

UPDATE: Tyler has passed $15,000! Working towards his goal of $20,000 now! Amazing work, Tyler!! Congratulations to Tyler Gamblin, PT, MScPT for already reaching his $10,000 goal!   He's decided to increase the goal by another $5000 to…

Register now for the St. Albert Road Race presented by Active Physio Works on Sunday, April 24, 2022! Featuring the historic St. Albert 10 Miler, 10km, 5km and 1km kids fun run. Pricing starting at only $20 for the 1km kids fun run, ranging to $40 for the…

Warm Hands, Warm Hearts Edmonton

Oct 11, 2021
Posted by: Events

Join us in supporting the 8th Annual Warm Hands, Warm Hearts Run, as it returns to the city for the 8th Annual event at Hawrelak Park on November 6 & or 13th. Register for the virtual & in person event here: https://bit.ly/3nOJR1x We will be ac…

Join us at our Active Physio Works Sturgeon Medical Clinic (#200,625 St. Albert Trail) for a FREE information session on ways torelieve hip and knee pain featuring the most up to dateresearch and treatment for osteoarthritis. Saturday, October 23 at 1pmAc…

As Active Physio Works and Lifemark is an essential service, we are not part of the Restrictions Exemption Program in Alberta.    Patients arriving at our Servus Place clinic will not be required to show proof of vaccination. Patients are able to proceed…

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PreventionracingfundraisingSt. Albert Triathlonclavicle fractureeaster mondayinjection therapywhy active physio worksBikePHYSIOTHÉRAPIE EN FRANCAISplantar faciitisriceneedlinggolfer's elbowyegphysioheadacherental car motor vehicle accidentpatellar tendonitiswinter runningfamilyadaptive cycling5km obstacle coursecupping therapycycling injury preventionBPPVhip paingood fridaybasketball injuriesclinic closureconcussionclinic updateheadachesITU World Grand Final Triathlon EdmontonSt. Albertfundraisercarpal tunnelwhat to expectRaceslip and fallsshockwave physiovertigoms bike tourGunn theory of IMSfasciaITU World Triathlon Grand Final Edmontoncanadian trailscouch to 5kstem cellrehabilitationservus place10 milerMS BikeIT band syndromeguided massageneedling techniquesultraIMSHawrelak Parkkidsvolleyball#fundraisingphysio for golfcuppingobstacle coursepregnancy back painrunning gaitactive physio works 5kmout run raremodalitiesrotator cuffultrarunningdraw prizesrunning techniquegreat white north 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Registered Massage Therapists.


We understand each person is different so we offer a variety of techniques that are best suited to your individual needs.