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Shockwave Therapy

Feb 02, 2022

The science behind Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy:

  • A piston-like applicator creates ultrasonic shock waves that penetrate the affected tissue.

  • The shock waves are focused to a zone of highest energy in front of the applicator, applied to the focus zone within the treated tissue.

  • This applies tensile and shear forces to the tissue, inducing an inflammatory response in the tissue without causing actual harm.

  • This has been shown to induce the local production growth factors that promote healing.


Why do we use it?

  • Beneficial for a variety of chronic injuries of ligaments, bones, and muscles (Achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis, rotator cuff tendinopathies, epicondylitis, etc.)

  • Induces inflammation which helps promote blood flow and tissue regeneration. 

  • Helps to break down and remove calcium build up. 

  • An alternative treatment to more aggressive approaches such as surgery and prolotherapy.


Are there risks involved with treatment?

  • Shockwave therapy  has not been shown to have any serious safety concerns and is considered a safe procedure, however there may be some side effects experienced with treatment, including:

    • Bruising

    • Redness

    • Local swelling 

    • Mild discomfort during treatment 


How many treatments are usually needed?

  • Relief can typically be felt after the first treatment, but for best results 3 to 5 treatments are recommended.

To book in for an appointment at our Active Physio Works Tudor Glen or Servus Place Clinics for Shockwave Therapy, call 780-458-8505.

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Registered Massage Therapists.


We understand each person is different so we offer a variety of techniques that are best suited to your individual needs.