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Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

At each of our Active Physio Works clinics, we offer mechanical traction which is used in non surgical spinal decompression, in which the joints are gently stretched by traction force in order to relieve pinched nerves or open up joint spaces for pain relief. The adjunct to treatment will be up to the discretion of your therapist based on your assessment and treatment plan. The device is controlled by an advanced system with which the therapist enters the amount of force and time the machine will create the decompression of the spine.  The machine is programmed to oscillate between pulling and relaxing throughout the treatment allowing the soft tissue and affected discs to loosen over time.

Our therapists offer two types of traction which are dependent on a few factors including severity and location of your injury:

Lumbar Traction
Depending on the severity and location of the injury, you will be placed on either your back or stomach. A harness is then attached to your hips and connected to the mechanical traction. The machine once programmed to your specific settings, will then apply the force and decompression. As the decompression takes place, the bed will begin to slowly separate allowing the muscles and tension in your discs in your lower back to loosen over time.

Cervical Traction
You will comfortably be placed in a device which is connected to the mechanical traction. Your head will be secured in place and your traction will begin once the exact settings are inputted from your therapist. The settings for cervical traction are kept at a low rate to allow for slight changes between pulling and relaxing to be made. Over time, the area will loosen the muscles and tension in the discs.


What to Expect

We understand that you may have a few questions before visiting our clinics for your initial appointment.

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Book in for an appointment with one of our qualified Active Physio Works Physiotherapists &
Registered Massage Therapists.


We understand each person is different so we offer a variety of techniques that are best suited to your individual needs.