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Update to Alberta Health Services Funding for Physiotherapy in Alberta

Feb 25, 2022

As of March 1, 2022, Alberta Health Services is making Province wide changes in regards to funding for Physiotherapy Services. This affects all Albertans who access funded sessions for Physiotherapy. With the new model, the same access and funding rules will apply, no matter which area an individual resides in Alberta.

Under the previous Community Rehabilitation Program, limited Clinics with funding in place, would be able to apply for access to it, differing in consistency and amount from location to location. With that funding, we would be able to allocate a portion of funding to Albertans seeking Physiotherapy due to musculoskeletal conditions such as sprains and strains.

With the new model, if you have had a fracture or surgery, you are still eligible for treatment as before. While there are changes with the quantity of sessions covered, it is still accessible directly through our Clinics.

If you are wanting to book for an Alberta Health Services funded appointment for general joint, muscle conditions or injuries, you must call the Alberta Health Services Rehabilitation Advice Line at 1-833-379-0563. The Advice line is open Monday-Friday from 9am-5pm. You will be assessed via telephone and it will be determined if you will be able to access treatment through Alberta Health Services for any Clinic in the Province. Part of the assessment will include an income assessment. Publicly funded general Physiotherapy treatment will only be accessible to those who fall below the determined income level and/or are receiving certain government supports.

Once you have completed the phone assessment through the approval will be entered into the Health System first by Alberta Health Services. Once this has taken place, your approval will be entered into the Health First System by Alberta Health Services. Only once has this taken place, we will be able to access your approval in order to verify eligibility. You will be asked to provide documentation of income eligibility by Alberta Health Services at the time you come to the clinic for your appointment. Without that information, we will be unable to provide treatment through Alberta Health Services (and you would be expected to pay privately at the end of your visit).

If you have had a recent fracture, or bone or joint surgery, you do not have to call the Rehabilitation Advice Line and can book in directly at our Clinics.

If you have had a hip or knee replacement, you do not have to call the Rehabilitation Advice Line, and can book in. Your assessment will still be with one of our Physiotherapists however, Alberta Health Services has modified the program to take place in the form of small group classes that will run at different times during the week. These one hour classes will be available at our Active Physio Works Servus Place (St. Albert), Active Physio Works Kensington (North Edmonton), Active Physio Works Magrath (South Edmonton) and Active Physio Works Fort Saskatchewan Clinics. If you would prefer to not have group treatment for your hip or knee replacement, you can book privately with one of our Physiotherapists, as Alberta Health Services will not approve individual sessions.

Should you have any questions, you can contact us at 780-458-8505, by emailing [email protected] or by contacting the Rehabilitation Advice Line at 1-833-379-0563 to speak directly to Alberta Health Services.

These changes will not affect Workers Compensation Board claims, Motor Vehicle Accident Claims or clients paying privately including direct billing to extended health care companies.

To book in for an appointment, call 780-458-8505.

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